Sunday 28 October 2012

Drybourgh and Kennedy Charged with Fraud

At last the ASC is taking these two slime balls to court.
Instead of having ASC hearings they are pulling them directly
in front of the judge.

I should be fun watching these two turn on each other. Kennedy
is facing 23 charges alone and 17 jointly with Drybourgh.

See ASC site for the news.

News on Global (search global news Calgary Lucid)

Sunday 17 June 2012

Lucid American Capital Inc. Fraud

We have received a large # of emails about the Lucid American Capital Inc. fraud.
The bonds for this fraud are supposed to come due Dec of 2012.
Blaine Kennedy and Adam Drybough do not return calls or emails to the investors.

Let's face it the money is long gone.

If you have shares in this scam please forward your contact information to . A group has started for legal action but we need more
to reduce costs.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Belle Star Saloon Lucid Fraud

Blaine Kennedy and Adam Drybough are up to no good again.

I received an Email from a trades company working on a new
bar on 17th. He was not being paid for his work and did a quick
google to find that the people he was working for are fraudsters.
There already is another lein on the property for 27 K.

Time will run out for these two.

The Belle Star Saloon will go the way of all the other lucid companies.

In bankruptcy.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Lucid Group of Companies Theft

When I speak to a grand mother who invested all of her retirement money in Lucid
scams it makes me mad. She is left with nothing but her pension to live out her "golden

Not only will Adam and Blain not speak to her. They ignore any investor who tries
to email or call.

They think they are smart enough to evade going to jail. Everyone makes mistakes when
running a scam this big. It is only a matter of time. You almost feel sorry for Adam as it
looks like Blaine has done a perfect job setting him up as a scapegoat. Remember I did
say "almost". In nature the young stupid ones get eaten first.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Lucid Group Of Companies Bankrupt

Bad news to all of us who gave these slime money.

The house that Blaine Kennedy has been living in is for sale by the court.
1.1 million in leins are are on the property.

Ramesy crossing owes 300k to contractor and no taxes paid.

The Fort Mac Hotel is in court for leins and unpaid morgage.

It is all comming apart. So where is our money if lucid did not
pay it's bills? Someone has a very thick wallet.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Lucid group of Companies Complaints

Well as I suspected a LOT of people have been sucked into these scams. A group has started to
force these shell companies into bankrutcy before these crooks can spend all the money. If you
follow Adam on twitter you would think all he does is hang out in coffee shops.

PLEASE if you have been talked into handing your hard earned money over to these scam artists
contact me a

I will forward you to a legal group  who can help.

Friday 18 November 2011

Lucid group of companies ponzi scheme

It is hard to accept the fact that you have been sucked into a Ponzi scheme.
It happens to lots of hard working people just trying to save for retirement.
Slime like Blaine Kennedy and his figure skating patsy Adam Drybrough
take advantage of holes in the law to steal years of savings.
Do not kid yourself they intend to keep your money. Blaine Kennedy worked
a fraud called ck3. The address he gave for his 10,000 square ft kit car factory
turned out to be a mail box etc. postal box.
He just found a bigger scam to work.
If we can't put him in jail he will just fly off to some island with our money and
leave patsy Adam holding to bag.
Please contact me at to create a class action on these two
thieves. Lucid group of companies is simply a fraud.